24 September 2023

Harvest Sunday 24th September 2023 Worship for all ages Pianist Karenza Beddow


Call to Worship

Entry of the Standards during the singing of

SF 585 We plough the fields and scatter


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.


Give thanks to the God of gods


Give thanks to the Lord of lords


To him alone who does great wonders


Hymn Our God makes the harvest grow [to the tune Old Macdonald]

Our God makes the harvest grow

Let us praise his name.

He sends the sun to warm the earth

Let us praise his name.

With sunshine here, sunshine there,

Here sun, there sun, everywhere there’s sunshine

Our God makes the harvest grow, Let us praise his name.

Our God makes the harvest grow,

Let us praise his name.

He sends the rain to swell the seed

Let us praise his name.

With raindrops here, raindrops there,

Rain here, rain there

Everywhere there’s raindrops.

Our God makes the harvest grow, Let us praise his name.

Our God makes the harvest grow

Let us praise his name,

The farmers help to grow the crops

Let us praise his name.

They’re digging here, planting there

Digging, planting

Then they do the weeding.

Our God makes the harvest grow, Let us praise his name

Our God makes the harvest grow

Let us praise his name.

We’re thankful for the food it yields.

Let us praise his name.

With carrots here, potatoes there,

Broad beans, French beans,

And there’s even runner beans,

Our God makes the harvest grow

Let us praise his name.

[Found and distributed September 2013 by Cerys Hughes, Diocese of Lichfield]

The Lord’s Prayer

Caring for God’s world’

Song Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise the Lord – to the tune Twinkle, twinkle, little star

Praise him, Praise him, Praise the Lord

For the wonders of the world.

For the people big and small

For the animals short and tall

We will care for all these things

That our Lord Creator brings.

Praise him, Praise him, Praise the Lord

For the wonders of the world.

For the sea and for the sky

For the animals and birds that fly

We will care for all these things

That our Lord Creator brings.

Praise him, Praise him, Praise the Lord

For the wonders of the world.

For the seasons of the year

For the plants that re-appear

We will care for all these things

That our Lord Creator brings.

Praise him, Praise him, Praise the Lord

For the wonders of the world.

©Jessica, Emily and Sam Crawshaw, Burton Leonard, N Yorks

Copyright ©2012 Christian Ecology Link

Everyday reminders that God created the world’.

SF 1624 Who put the colours in the rainbow?

Bible story: Congregation to shout each time IT’S NOT FAIR

“Jesus once said, ‘The kingdom of God is like when the owner of a vineyard went out early one morning to hire workers. He found some who were ready and able to do the work. But the workers said, ‘IT’S NOT FAIR!… Unless we get paid a proper amount of money.’

So the owner agreed to pay the normal daily rate, and they went with him and began their work.

At nine o’clock in the morning, the workers said, ‘IT’S NOT FAIR! There’s too much work for us to do!’ So the owner went out and hired some others.

At lunchtime, the workers said, ‘IT’S NOT FAIR! There’s too much work for us to do, even with the extra people.’ So the owner went out and hired some others.

At teatime, the workers said, ‘IT’S NOT FAIR! There’s still too much work for us to do, we‘ll never finish it today.’ So the owner went out and hired some others.

At the end of the day, the owner was pleased with all the work that had been done.

He called the workers he had hired last, and gave them the normal daily rate, then those that started in the afternoon, then those that started at lunchtime, then those who started at nine o’clock. Finally, he came to pay the workers he had hired first. He gave them what they had agreed, a fair price for their work, the normal daily rate.

Were they happy? No, they were not!

They were angry, they were seething, they were furious! The workers shouted, ‘IT’S NOT FAIR! Some of those men have only worked for one hour!’ The workers grumbled, ‘IT’S NOT FAIR! We’ve worked in the scorching heat all day. We should get paid more, or they should get paid less.’ But the owner said to them, ‘Have I been unfair to you? Really? I paid you the money we agreed, the right money for a day’s work. I have been fair to you, and kind to the others. Why are you sulking about that?’

And the workers…well, the workers said nothing, because there was nothing they could say to the fair and generous owner, so they took their money and went home.”

What is that all about?’

Song: Come and thank God – to the tune London’s Burning

Come and thank God, come and thank God,
that he loves us, that he loves us,
Praise him, praise him.
Give him glory, give him glory.

Come and thank God, come and thank God,
for each other, for each other.
Praise him, praise him.
Give him glory, give him glory.

Come and thank God, come and thank God,
for the harvest, for the harvest.
Praise him, praise him.
Give him glory, give him glory.

Come and thank God, come and thank God,
for the raindrops, for the raindrops.
Praise him, praise him.
Give him glory, give him glory.

Come and thank God, come and thank God,
for the sunshine, for the sunshine.
Praise him, praise him.
Give him glory, give him glory.

Come and thank God, come and thank God,
for the carrots, for the marrows.
Praise him, praise him.
Give him glory, give him glory.

Come and thank God, come and thank God,
that he calls us, that he calls us.
Praise him, praise him.
Give him glory, give him glory.

Offering and dedication. Dedication of gifts for Medway Foodbank. Loose cash in support of the people of Morocco and Libya.

Notices including Blythswood Care Shoebox Appeal


SF 1234 For the fruits of His creation.


Return of the Standards

CCL 83411

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